Change is one of the few guarantees we have in life. However, when an individual decides to make one, even if it is positive, it is a difficult ordeal, which requires a lot of discipline, focus and determination. Working with inmates, alcoholics, drug addicts and batterers, I have noticed that society, as a whole, is not as forgiving as we would want them to be when one is making a change.
Many like to slap labels on others and want to keep them within the confines of that label. Heroin addicts, for example, who get clean, are in recovery for the rest of their lives. But, in many cases, instead of getting support from friends, colleagues and even family they are perceived and treated as wearing the addict label. It’s much easier, perhaps, to define others in a negative way than accept the positive change they made.
The things you have done don’t define you. It doesn’t matter what you have done, but it does matter where you’re going. And your destination requires that you make changes. We are complex, and are capable of extraordinary things. We are all forever changing, growing and evolving into the human being we want to be. I encourage people to maintain daily journals, because when you read what you wrote five years ago you can clearly see how you have changed.
Shouldn’t we encourage those making positive changes in their attitude, life style, intellectual, emotional and spiritual development?
What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear labels, such as batterer, alcoholic, bad parent and addict?
Labeling can also be used as a way to keep one down. I believe encouraging one another is definitely needed. If a person is trying to move away from negatively, why not encourage growth?
Absolutely Tamika, you nailed it. What are We so afraid of? We desire to be better but fail to invest in it. We continue to stagnate the process of growth by hiding from it. We must believe We are worthy of greatness and also congratulate someone else when they succeed. It keeps the positive energy flowing and makes it contagious. Thanks for responding Tamika. I hope to hear from you again in the near future.
Encouraging each other is conducive to creating a positive thought which creates a positive action. The old saying goes “It ain’t where you from It’s where your at”.
Hey Tamika, my sister from another strong mother. I admire your journey in becoming a business owner. I firmly believe in cognitive behavioral therapy (what you think is what you feel and how you feel is how you react). We need to keep the momentum of positive energy flowing. I’m so happy you’re apart of the village of productivity and honored to have met you. You are truly an inspiration and We are where We need to be to promote positive change.
Thank you. It’s time for us to take a stand for our communities. I know you want to connect us all and know our organization will continue to support BSC and your efforts to create a positive change within the community. Peace and Blessings to us all.
Absolutely, and in your words, one hand washes the other & both hands wash the face. In my words, one community empowers the other, builds strength in exemplifying how to Raise The Bar & Do-IT-responsibly. Ultimately Safer Communities worldwide.
Thank you so much for your response Whitney. I agree. Consider this too, nothing changes, if nothing changes. We must commit to change wholeheartedly. Believe in it, embrace it and ACT positivitly. Of course at our on pace and in the interim measuring our own progress.